Pat Premo's pro basketball game on PC
Hello, With all the recent talk about Lance Heffner's games and others here, just thought I'd let people know Pat has a new game out.I'm planning to order it soon. Pat's the man who told me about the computer version of Titlebout way back in 1998 because I mentioned I liked the original version of TB as a k...
help needed. trying to find the name of a pc basketball game
HI, i need help desperatly. when i was young i used to have a basketball compter game. i am sure the game was around the the late 80s to the earliest 90s. i think the name of the game had a " champonship" in it and the cover had a laker and cletics player jumping up for the ball like the start of the game. the gam...
Error "E0001" does not start Fifa 14!!
I bought fifa 14 by origin, when trying to start the game soon after appearing the symbol of "ea sports" appears an error "E0001" and the game does not start. I have the 13th fifa two are of the same configuration, pq fifa 14 is giving error? I think it is shameful for "esports ea" ... I need help! Would any...
VIP Car Render Challenge
The car Victory GAZ 20 is my favorite since childhood, one of the brightest events in my life is connected with it - a trip to the forest in the Orenburg region in which I first saw a live chanterelle with foxes and a historical oak of Emelian Pugachev. I attach a picture with one of the first sketches of the...
Pirate ship cannon 3D
Hello, I've never posted works or progress in forums so this is my first attempt of sharing progress in forum. I think it will be good to listen from experienced and not only some advices and critiques while working on personal project. For a long period I had no time to start personal project. I unders...
Photographer Add-On Update?
Photographer has been my go-to for UI-free in-game screenshots since forever (actually since it first appeared). However, it appears to be widowed. Shows Out-of-Date, although I can use it with Enable Out-of-Date add-ons. Any Add-On Devs willing to adopt this helpful orphan? Thanks I didn't fin...
German Armed Forces Mod
With the new possibilities Arma 3 is offering, formost RTT and PhysX, i have decided to suspend work on the Arma 2 OA version of the German Armed Forces mod and am now focusing on an Arma 3 Version. Some of the models i have made for the A2 version will be ported over (as they meet the quality i desire) others...
The NBA has Decided to Balance the All-Star Game Instead of Balancing the Playoff
What's horrific about this change is that the league acknowledges that they have a serious parity problem between conferences, but decided to make a change that has nothing to do with competitive basketball (see 2017 All-Star Game)Pretty much a slap in the face to the Western Conference. For more...
Action! PC Basketball Links
Action! PC Basketball Links Links to Action! PC Basketball-related pages and useful stuff, including downloadable filesAction! PC Basketball Company Sites • Action! PC Basketball Home Page • Action! PC Basketball ForumStrategy Guide • Action! PC Basketball Strategy Guide [link to pdf...