It might be just me, putting on a rather large tin foiled hat here, but it seems to me that a lot of focus, care and attention towards the game, is done so towards E-sport and its entertainment value, rather than a fun and engaging game for "the casual" of us (and with that I mean those of us that don't play professionally, including both competitive and QP players).
The changes done towards heroes are done so with rather vague excuses, making some heroes extremely powerful while others that could need some attention, receives nothing. Junkrat and Mercy are the 2 heroes which changes are vague and non-explaining at all, but also makes the heroes more entertaining to watch (A flying Junkrat raining chaos all over the place instead of hiding and spamming projectiles, and a Mercy flying around and healing / resurrecting rather than hiding and waiting to use her ultimate). I've read the patch notes for these changes and they sound more like a rehearsed PR joke from a politician than a developer who've put thought and consideration into their changes.
Then we have the developer's lack of care towards QP and Competitive alike. Jeff has spoken openly several times about issues that they need to address, such as taking reports more serious, but where's the evident that anything is being done? There are none, it's not apparent in-game because the issues in January is still the same issues now at the end of October. Seasons and ranked are still a joke and QP seems to be more a Free for all mode under a cloak of 6 v 6. Even issues in competitive (trollers, throwers, griefers etc.) have been a problem since Season 1 and yet even at the end of Season 6, nothing has been done, it's still the same issue.